Languages, words, orthography, expressions

Irish English

Some Dutch

Language notes

  The language files

• "Thanks a million" - an Irish expression, upgraded in translation...

• "Simplified French" - a Dutch belief that English is the easiest language...

How to say "drunk" in Ireland...

De and het - two Dutch words for "the"...

• At the nonstop: - out late in smalltown Romania...

• The Nieuwe Spelling of the Dutch language, 1991...

• "No; eres pobre" - the two forms of the verb 'to be' in Spanish ...

• There are only a few Irish words extant in Irish English...

Eet smakelijk - the Dutch version of the pervasive European "enjoy your meal."...

• Dutch is notoriously difficult. But why?...

• "Alstublieft" - a hyper-polite word in the Dutch language...

• English, lingua franca...

Cursing in Ireland...

Cursing in the Netherlands...

• The rogue Irish comma...

[To be] after; the Irish-English past tense...